I, Ashu M. G. Solo, filed the following:

1. Civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Mayor's Office) and Councillor Randy Donauer for prayer recitations at government organized events

2. Code of Conduct complaint against Mayor Don Atchison for potential online campaign advertising violations

3. Civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Saskatoon Transit Services) for promoting holidays from only one religion on city buses

4. Human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (Executive Committee) for retaliating against me by not reappointing me to the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee and not appointing me to another civic committee or board

5. Human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (City Solicitor’s Office) for retaliating against me by trying to deprive me of my right to directly communicate with members of City Council and by telling employees of other City of Saskatoon departments to not talk to me

6. Human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Office) and City of Saskatoon (Living in Harmony Ad Hoc Subcommittee of Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee) for retaliating against me by not considering my submissions to the Living in Harmony Contest

This site contains my media releases, some case documents, emails to City Council, etc.

I don't waste my time arguing with opponents.

The backlash makes me much more determined to fight against bigotry and shows the need for these civil rights cases, so I'll be filing more civil rights cases. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hate Message from City of Saskatoon Employee Jason Lagacy

A City of Saskatoon employee named Jason Lagacy sent me a hateful and harassing message about my complaints against his employer, City of Saskatoon.  It is highly inappropriate for a City of Saskatoon employee to be sending me hate messages because I've made complaints against his employer, but that's what Jason Lagacy did.  After Jason Lagacy was disciplined by his manager, he sent me another message that affirmed his earlier opinion. 

This hate message was received on March 6, 2013 from City of Saskatoon employee Jason Lagacy during his working hours:

Jason Lagacy (https://www.facebook.com/jason.lagacy)
take your non religious ass out of the spotlight. You dont like the way it works here in Saskatoon find somewhere else to pollute with your bull shit. your opinion does not matter and your an ass whole.

Note:  You must be logged onto Facebook to see Jason Lagacy's profile at the link above.

As you can see, Jason Lagacy could use some lessons in manners, spelling, grammar, punctuation, writing style, and civil rights.  What kind of employees does the City of Saskatoon hire?